Our solution for

Top Fruit

Easy to use integrated crop management system to ensure high crop yields and quality.

Frost Protection

Confidently predict when frost will occur (and where in the Orchard) to allow you to make an informed decision about when & where to deploy frost mitigation measures

Disease Management

Monitor pest & disease pressure with our forecast tools, and react early.
Biological treatments for top fruit need the right conditions for best results - use monitored and forecast data to get the best value from your investment

Irrigation Management

Varying soils across the orchard can mean different irrigation schedules are required for different areas. Continuous soil monitoring allows you to refine your irrigation schedule with confidence and ensure you are maintaining optimum soil moisture.

Dashboard Features

The TerraPrima dashboard is the command centre of your growing experience. Notifications and models are customised specifically for top fruit and individual varieties to ensure the right decision support can be provided for your individual requirements. Track live conditions using the unique farm map, GDD and GDH countdowns and weather forecasts are also available. Record yields and other events in the easy to use farm management log. Good crop management can double yields.

Daily Statistics

Daily Statistics give you a detailed view of intra-day collected data in your entire farm. For each Ladybird in the field you can see all tracked quantities throughout the day. It’s like being able to virtually walk around your farm and probe when and what you care about, every few minutes, everywhere!


TerraPrima developed bespoke algorithms that generate unique predictions and recommendations for each farm. All predictions are clearly shown on the dashboard and are easy to navigate. You will be able to view Environmental, Weather & Soil Forecast, Picking Time and Risk of Disease.

Would you like to see it in action?

Need to know more?

You can find detailed specifications of the TerraPrima Ladybird and a full description of our dashboard features in our brochure.

Thanks for your interest!